Indonesia, One of the Most Promising Countries of the World

Indonesia is the 16th biggest economy of the world with a population exceeding 240 million and income of USD 3.500 per capita… It attracts attention with an uninterrupted growth rate exceeding 6% per annum.

Indonesia continues taking place in the first ranks of the international investors with rich natural resources such as oil, natural gas, various mines, forestry products, rich water sources, fruitful agricultural lands, labour force efficiency, and qualified man power.

With its fast growing economy in the recent years, Indonesia needs infrastructure and energy investments as a natural result of this growth.

As known, since 2008 I have been working as Honorary Consul of Indonesia in Istanbul for 5 years and Chairman of DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board) Turkey – Indonesia Business Council for 3 periods. Thus, I had the chance to know the people of Indonesia very closely. Indonesians have so much in common with us with their smiling face, hospitality, and cultural similarities. They are very welcoming to the foreigners, particularly the Turkish people. As you know, we have relations since the Ottoman period.

I first visited Indonesia in 2006 with a business trip organized by DEIK. Mehmet Ali Şahin, who was the Minister of Sports then, chaired that visit. We visited Jakarta with a Turkish delegation of nearly 50 people. The chairman of the other party was Mari Elka Pangestu, who was the Minister of Commerce then.

Ramli Sa’ud, who was one of the senior bureaucrats of Indonesia Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed me to become Honorary Consul of Indonesia to İstanbul in one of those meetings and I became their Honorary Consul officially in 2008.

Since my visits to Indonesia increased during my term of Honorary Consulate, I had the opportunity to observe and examine Indonesia’s economy and we opened our Rep. office in Jakarta as Hitay Investment Holdings. Our studies concerning the investment opportunities in Indonesia continue. I believe I will create an investment and value as a result of these studies.

Last Friday, we organized a business meeting dinner including Mr. Soekarwo Kartodihajdjo, Governor of the Province of East Java and his delegation, Mr. Nahari Agustini, Ambassador of Indonesia and members of the embassy as well as a limited number of participants from our business world. In this invitation, also attended by Gökşin Demiral, DEIK Asia Pacific Region Coordinator, investment opportunities in East Java were described and our businessmen were called to make investment. Five companies signed letter of intent. We wish that these intents will turn into investment within the shortest time possible.

I’d like to call our businessmen who wish to make investment in Indonesia. It is possible to invest in any field in Indonesia. The country will be one of top 10 economies of the world in a short time. Foreign investors are more than welcome as the country successfully attracts more than US$ 25 Billion foreign direct investments per annum. The country has numerous opportunities for Turkish investors who can undertake investments in mining, infrastructure and energy. I cordially invite all the Turkish business community to invest and do business in Indonesia.

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